My services
Book A Session
1 on 1 sessions with Amalia
Personal meditation guidance,
Downloadable audios, Release tension in your body and knockoff rolex datejust rolex calibre 2836 2813 mens 126334sso silver tone mind, receive gifts from your higher self.
Kundalini Reiki
DNA, Kundalini-Reiki, Past-Life, Diamond, Energetic ties, Crystalline Reiki can all be channeled during your session as guided by our spirit teams.
Astral surgery
Integrate your higher consciousness, Removal of lower frequencies and energetic implants, Activate your DNA to hold more light.
Download Tree workbook for free
Quantum healing warranty
for all sessions
Always beginning any session with your intention to receive for your highest benefit.
It would be an honor to hold space with you can find out more you in your journey
Safe space for grieving, integrating, expansion.
Want to attend Amalia's next event?
Tree Realm Course
When? March 2024
Everything I know about trees and how to work with their energy + 1 hour kundalini reiki session
Includes various meditation exercises + Masterclass workbook
zoom session 2-3 hrs, Lifetime access to replay
Kundalini Reiki Session
Relax, and Activate your Crystalline DNA
DNA, Kundalini-Reiki, Past-Life, Diamond, Crystalline Reiki are all used as guided by our spirit teams.
What is Kundalini Reiki?
Kundalini is the energy of Mother Earth
Reiki is the energy of the Cosmos
While also working with Trees and their Grounding and Expansive energy flow
Together they bring you boundless LOVE and Universal Life Force
In-person / virtual prices see below
What to expect?
Connect deeply to yourself, feel your vibe shift as your aura is cleansed and balanced.
*Sessions are over zoom or phone*
*In person session are in San Diego with travel fee or at Lagunitas Organics Sanctuary*
Virtual Kundalini Reiki offers

In-Person Kundalini Reiki Sessions
1 hour
Regular Price $140
Personalized chakra meditation
DNA Upgrades
1.5 hour
Regular Price $180
Family of light Quantum surgery
Includes Aura Wand
Astral Surgery
Astral Surgery Session
Let go and Activate your light body
Focused on the astral body and removing energetic blockages, emotional roots, sickness spirits, parasites. Integrate light codes to activate your crystalline DNA.
Astral surgery vs. Kundalini Reiki?
Kundalini reiki focuses on transmuting energies through the hands while Astral surgery is done through visualization in the astral realm through meditation utilizing crystals to restore balanced energies.
Emphasis in eliminating energetic blockages and liberation of dense energy. Deep soul energy work.
In-person / virtual prices see below
What to expect?
Connect deeply to yourself, feel your energy shift as your astral body is cleansed and balanced.
*Sessions are over zoom or phone*
*In person session are in San Diego with travel fee or at Lagunitas Organics Sanctuary*
1.5 hour virtual
Regular Price $200
Family of light Quantum surgery
Includes Aura Wand cleanse
Astral Surgery
Energetic parasite removal
1.5 hour in person
Regular Price $300
Family of light Quantum surgery
Includes keeping Aura Wand
Astral Surgery
Energetic parasite removal
Download Tree meditation today
Comunicación de Árbol libreta Spanish
Presentamos el “Libro de trabajo de comunicación de árboles”: ¡desbloquee el poder de la naturaleza interior! Experimente la magia transformadora de los árboles con nuestra
Tree Communication Workbook
Introducing the “Tree Communication Workbook” – Unlock the Power of Nature Within! Experience the transformative magic of trees with our comprehensive 26-page free download, designed

Journey to the heart of the Trees Kundalini Reiki Guided Meditation
A downloadable guided Kundalini Reiki – Tree energetic upgrade meditation. 10 minutes Experience what it’s like to become a Tree. Embody high quality replica rolex
Guided Meditations
deep relaxation
Channeled meditations are infused with universal life force energy (Reiki) to bring you deep cellular harmonization.
Personal meditations?
Schedule a call with me, Consult areas of focus, I will then connect with your spirit team and higher self to channel a personal meditation for you. Includes full chakra alignment and Reiki.
1 Hour sessions $88
Need a meditation coach?
Let’s develop a system that works for you. Meditation is an art of consciousness exploration. I am available to lead meditations for events specially Tree meditations.
What other TreeHuggers are saying
Looking for Aura Wands?

Aura Wands by Lagunitas Organics.
Organic planted and raised with love on a vortex
This ancestral plant blend brings you balance, grounding, and activates your light body.
A hand picked blend of Lavender, Sage and Rosemary. Wrapped in traditional red twine for protection and grounding of the root chakra, Intentioned with Kundalini Reiki to align your chakras and activate your bio-field.
Order your bundles on Lagunitas Organics